Exercise Science at GVSU
Our MISSION: To prepare students for physical activity, exercise, health & sport related professions through academic, practical, and research experiences. Graduates will have the knowledge and skills to promote and impact their health and that of society.
Our VISION: We are committed to excellence in teaching and scholarship. We achieve excellence in teaching through innovative teaching strategies and active student learning. We complement excellence in teaching with scholarship addressing critical issues related to health, fitness, and sports performance across the life span.
Check out the curriculum plans for all EXS emphasis areas.
Graduating this Year?
If you are planning to graduate in April, you need to apply to graduate and select April. IF you are planning to graduate in August (Summer) you also need to apply to graduate but indicate August. Then, you will be invited to attend the April ceremony. If you have any questions, please contact your advisor.
Open Lab Hours
Winter Semester 2025
- Tuesdays 12-1:30pm (FH 145)
- Wednesdays 12-1:30pm (FH 132)
- Fridays by appointment
Open lab cancelled week of 2/24
Program Grade Requirements
To take EXS 390 (Fieldwork), a B- or higher is required in both EXS 320 and EXS 321.
To take EXS 490 (Internship), a B- or higher is required in EXS 420.