Richard R. Rediske, Ph.D.
Senior Program Manager & Professor
[email protected]
(616) 331-3047

BIO 452: Watershed and Wetland Management
CHM 380: Contemporary Toxicology
CHM 111: Green Chemistry

Areas of Expertise
- Conducting research dealing with the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment, sediment toxicity, ecological effects of contaminants, and chemical/biological processing of nutrients in watersheds.
- Providing technical oversight for the environmental chemistry program.
- Hazardous waste site assessment and remediation.
- Biogeochemical cycling and processing in watersheds.
- Environmental Toxicology.
- Analytical Chemistry.
- Public speaking for professional and lay audiences.

General Information
- Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
- Ph.D., Environmental Health Sciences, 1986 - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- M.S., Water Resources Science, 1975 - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- B.S., Biology, 1974 - Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH