Symphony Orchestra

The GVSU Symphony Orchestra is comprised of music major, minor, and students from across campus. They perform a wide range of professional level literature with performances in the Louis Armstrong Theatre and around West Michigan. Members of the Symphony Orchestra may also be involved in the Chamber Orchestra, a select group of the finest string and wind players. Other ensembles include the Early Music Ensemble on authentic Baroque instruments, as well as the award winning GVSU New Music Ensemble. All students interested in a great musical experience joining the GVSU Symphony Orchestra should contact the ensemble director.
Course Number: MUS 103, Section 001
Dr. Joel Schut
Conductor, GVSU Symphony Orchestra
[email protected]
The GVSU Symphony Orchestra is open to music majors, minors, and students from across campus. All students regardless of degree must audition for participation. Please follow the link below for audition sign up and excerpts.
2024 String Audition Excerpts [Dvorak Symphony No. 9 "New World"]:
If you are a string player and interested in playing in the GVSU Symphony Orchestra as a Non-Major Participant, please send an email to Dr. Joel Schut ([email protected]) and include the following:
- Your name
- Your instrument
- Date of expected entry into the GVSU Orchestra
- Your high school
- Number of years you have played your instrument
- Number of years of private lessons
- Have you applied to GVSU? Been accepted?
- Any questions you may have about the orchestra program